Wednesday, January 26, 2011



We will begin our unit on fractions this week (If we go back after this snow and ice!) I was a little disappointed after searching online for a while that there was not a lot of on fractions for the primary grades, so I got to work. I thought there was no better way to learn about fractions than with FOOD! I made a trip to the craft store (spent way too much money on felt) and bought some cheese and chocolate from the grocery store. Here are some ideas I am planning to incorporate into our unit on fractions:

*Use large felt pizzas I made to model fractions for the whole group and keep on display.

*Have the students fold pieces of cheese slices into halves- then eat them of course J

*The students will practice making fractions by making plahydough pizzas and slicing them into halves, thirds, and fourths with their knives (popsicle sticks).

*Practice using pizza parts and a fraction spinner (using a paper clip and a pencil) to practice naming and identifying thirds, fourths, halves, and wholes. Here are the small felt pizzas the kids can practice with. The spinner is below.

*Play Fill the Pizzas! My kids love the Fill the Hexagons game from Investigations, so I thought this would be fun. The children will roll the fraction die and add whatever part they roll. The first person to fill up all of their pizzas on their game board is the winner! I was planning on putting the fractions on a foam die, but I included a die you can cut and glue together. You can download the game below. J

*I was also thinking of possibly having the students make their own pizzas with tortillas, sauce, and cheese- then we would divide them up and eat them. This might be a nice Munchie Math activity.

First Post

After discovering the wonderful world of teacher blogs, I wanted to join in the fun! I am so grateful for the wonderful teachers out there who share their ideas. I hope that I will be able to give back a little and share some things here. This is my first full year of teaching, so I'm not sure how often I will be able to post-but I will do my best!